The notation { a, b} represents the complex number a+ bi. {a,b}表示复数a+bi。
Notice that you can access the different parts of the complex number by using the real and imag attributes of the complex object. 注意,通过使用复杂对象的real和imag属性,即可访问复数的不同部分。
Formally, a complex number has a real and an imaginary component, both represented by float types in Python. 从形式上讲,复数具有实部和虚部两个部分,都由Python中的float类型来表示。
Involving only a complex number of which the real part is zero. 包含一个实部为零的复数的。
This diagram immediately suggests defining two quantities which characterize the complex number z. 这个图立即指出定义两个表征复数Z的量。
It is possible to add two integers, or an integer and a floating point number, and even an integer and a complex number. 可以把两个整型相加,或者一个整型和一个浮点型,又或者一个整型和一个复数。
This article has dealt vrith the relationships between complex number and triangle, geometry, inequality and binomial and their applications in related exercises. 本文探讨了复数与三角、几何、不等式和二项式的关系以及它在相关问题中的应用。
If the first parameter is a string, it will be interpreted as a complex number and the function must be called without a second parameter. 如果第一个参数为一个字符串,将它将被编译成一个复数并且函数调用必须不能要第二个参数。
This paper mainly deals with the limit theory of fuzzy complex number. 本文研究模糊复数值变量的极限定理。
Hypomorphic allele One complex number is used to denote each diploid and define the genetic operators. 每一个复数对应于双倍体的一对等位基因。
This paper does some research on hyperbolic complex number, thus getting the result of semi-linear space on a kind of semi-ring. 对双曲复数进行了研究,引入一类半环上的半线性空间,为考察数学及物理学中的相关问题提供了方。
The inner product between two state vectors is a complex number known as a probability amplitude. 两个状态矢量间的内积是一已知的概率振幅复杂数字。
Target Recognition Method Based on Weight by Complex Number 一种基于复加权的目标极化识别方法
If either argument is a complex number, the other is converted to complex; 如果其中一个参数是复数,另一个也要转换成复数;
The introduction of the complex number accelerates the development of modern mathematics in China. 复数的引入促进了中国现代数学的发展。
Application of Complex Number Vector Method in Mechanism Motion and Simulation Analysis 复数矢量法在机构运动和仿真分析中的应用
Of, relating to, or being the coefficient of the imaginary unit in a complex number. 一个复数中虚部系数的,与之有关的,或是虚部系数的。
The part of a complex number that has the square root of-1 as a factor. 复数中含有的平方根的部分。
In order to solve the problem, a measuring method of complex number voltage is raised in this paper. 为解决批量生产的电容传感器检测效率低,无法满足生产需要的问题,提出了一种复数电压测量法。
This model, exploratory in nature, begins to help sift out the relative direct influences of an increasingly complex number of known factors to brand loyalty. 研究探索本质源自于筛选出复杂且直接影响品牌忠诚度因素。
Methods The methods of textual research, historical analysis and comparative research are used to study the development of complex number. 方法运用文献考证、历史分析和比较研究的方法对复数的发展进行研究。
Based on the number set, a new commutative semi-group is established in the integer number and extended in number fields of rational number, real number and the complex number. 在数集的基础上,在整数域上建立了一个新的交换半群,并在有理数域、实数域和复数域上进行了推广;
In addition, an approximate algorithm to compute module value of complex number is introduced. 此外还介绍了一种计算复数模值的近似算法。
To solve circuit analysis is getting for solution of corresponding real number or complex number linear equation group. 解决电路分析问题就是求解相应的实数或复数线性方程组。
The complex number composes most based concept element on physics. 复数成了物理学非常基本的概念元素。
The pattern solution of the plane motion of rigid body with complex number method is provided. 本文介绍了一种用复数方法求解刚体平面运动的模式化解法。
The concepts of stress complex number and strain complex number and inertia complex number are presented in this paper. 文章提出应力复数、应变复数和惯性复数的概念,得到一个复数方程式,即复数莫尔圆方程。
If α is a complex number ( non-real number), the values are distributed on a logarithmic spiral. 当α为复数(非实数)时,无穷多值分布在对数螺线上。
This Paper suggests a complex number method for solving quasi steady periodic heat conduction. 文章提出一种复数方法来求出准稳态周期导热的解。
The results show that the model of polar shift and its complex number wavelet transform have some periodic variation. 结果表明:极移的模值以及小波变换的模值都有某种周期的变化。